Mt Kanuki is Numazu's local peak. It's a modest 193 metres high, and there's a road at least half way up it and the rest of the climb is on a well-cut path, but lest you think this is complete cop-out hiking, it's very steep. (OK fine, it's complete cop-out hiking. I'm just unfit. There, I said it. But it is steep.) Anyway, the views of Numazu and Mount Fuji to the north are pretty nice, especially on a clear sunny day like the one we had. We rode our bikes... oh all right, Craig rode his bike with Cassia on it, while E and I walked our bikes to the half-way point, and then we walked the rest of it. And yes, I walked it, and yes, I was carrying Cassia in the Ergo and yes, I complained. A lot. Anyway, what was I saying? Oh yeah, the views. Well, here are some of our photos.

This says "rakusekikiken atamanouenichuui". I'm sure there are meant to be more spaces in there, but I don't know where they go, and I don't know what it means but I'm guessing something along the lines of Warning, stubbing your toes on the falling rocks will cause a nuclear explosion and you will find yourself saying "Ichuui!". See I told you it was a tough climb.

This is the view about a third of the way up. You can't quite see our apartment here so I won't bother pointing it out to you.

At the top. That's Numazu down below, and Fuji-san in the background, in case you weren't sure. It's the side of the mountain you never see in postcards, partly because there's that other big hill obstructing the view, but also because the old crater from a previous eruption interrupts its aesthetic symmetrical beauty. Or something.

This is from the viewing tower at the top of Kanukiyama. I was being a bit arty-farty.

This is another picture from the third-way point. You can see our apartment in this one. Look at the building just to the right of centre. (The brown one.) Look at the very top left corner of the building, then trace down three levels. That's us!! (Yeah, OK, I realise you probably need to see a full-screen version of this photo at full resolution, but that would take way too long to upload. So you'll just have to trust me. We'll leave a bright red towel hanging over our balcony next time to prove it.)
***** ***** *****
How to get to Kanukiyama by bike: South of Numazu station, take a left and then right onto the next main road. Cross over the river and turn immediately to your left. Ride along the river to the next bridge, then turn right. Follow that road down til you see the sign photographed at the top of this post. Alternatively, post me a comment giving me your email address and requesting a map, and I'll send one to you.
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